Indonesian Voyage

Pahawang Island In Lampung

Pahawang Island is one of the most beautiful marine tourism in Pesakan, Lampung, which is interesting to explore its charm. A small island that has beautiful underwater beauty and is a favorite destination for snorkeling lovers.

Pahawang Island is located in southern Lampung. The island that is made as a tourist spot is called Paradise for snorkeling lovers. The natural beauty of this island is still very beautiful because not many tourists visit this location.

The island is divided into two places, namely Pahawang Besar and Pahawang Kecil. Pahawang Besar is the main place visited by tourists. This island is occupied by a population of about 1,600 families with an area of ​​about 1000 hectares.

Pahawang Island has millions of beauties that will make visitors please. The beauty of this island makes it an excellent place in Lampung. The tourists who come to visit are not only local residents of Lampung, but some tourists from outside the area such as Yakarta and others also make this place a choice of vacation location.

Route to Pahawang Island location

This island is located in the district of Marga Punduh, the southern part of Lampung. From the city of Bandar Lampung it takes two hours to reach this island. Visitors can visit with two routes, namely, through the port of Merak. In addition, another option is to take a plane to Raden Inten airport.

The island is divided into two islands, namely Pahawang Besar and Pahawang Kecil. This small island has an area of ​​about 13 hectares and is uninhabited.

To get to Pahawang Island, tourists can use the boat provided at the Ketapang pier, Lampung. From the pier to this island location will take an hour.

The ticket price to enter this great tourist spot is free without a penny. Here visitors will only pay for the rental of the boat used to cross and rent the water sports equipment provided.

To rent a boat, from Dock Ketapang only pay RP. 30,000 for once. If you come with a group of friends, you will be given a cheaper rate to rent a boat

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