Indonesian Voyage

Lampung white sand beach

Lampung's white sand beach is one of the exotic tourist destinations. Lampung is not only famous for its tourism called Way Kambas.

White sand tourist destinations can be an option when visiting Lampung. This tour presents impressive natural landscapes, ranging from the beauty of the underwater world, the charming charm of the islands of Condong and Bule and many more.

This beach is located in the southern part of Lampung, the lovely natural charm will cause anyone who visits to be hypnotized. Tourists will be received with a section of white sand that extends along the beach.

In addition to the beauty of the sand section, this beach also has an underwater beauty that spoils your eyes. The beach water is so clear that life under the sea can easily be seen from the surface of the beach.

Many tourists, both local and foreign, visit the white sand beaches of Lampung. They enjoy the natural beauty that occurs in a relaxing environment. Waves and fresh breeze make visitors feel at home for a long time there

In addition to the beauty of the white sand that is insurmountable, on the white sand beach of Lampung there is also a sensation of distinctive military stripes. Because this beach is located in a military area belonging to the Indonesian army, to be precise, Korem 043 Garuda Hitam. Although it is in a military zone, this beach still has the state of a popular attraction park, not a military property.

Another uniqueness of this beach is that there are two islands that tourists can explore. The two islands are called Pulau Condong and Pulau Bule. This island has become a favorite destination that is often visited by tourists.

To get to the location, visitors only need to cross by renting a fishing boat. The established rates are not too expensive. On this island, visitors can enjoy the natural beauty that is different from the usual beaches.

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