Indonesian Voyage

Rubiah Island Paradise Sabang In aceh

Sabang is a city located in the northern part of Banda Aceh City. The city of Sabang is located on Pulau Weh. Weh in Acehnese means run away. Maybe because of the location of this island which is separated from the island of Sumatra, therefore it is called Pulau Weh.

Rubiah Island Marine Park is a beautiful island that is still beautiful with an {area|zona} of ​​​​about 2,600 hectares which is famous for its {natural|alami} scenery of the underwater kingdom. Underwater conditions that are still beautiful and {natural|alami} with a variety of living marine life that makes visitors who come feel at home to linger on this island.

Rubiah Island can be said as a marine park paradise for tourists who like diving. The name Rubiah Island itself is taken from the name of a person named Cut Nyak Rubiah whose grave you can find on the island.

Rubiah Island Tourism is currently an uninhabited island. Even so, don't worry, on this island you can still find a small shop selling food and drinks that you can buy. This island is always crowded with tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists, especially on holidays.

Those who come in addition to just playing on the clean sand of the beach, there are also those who go around the island using boats that can be rented, and many even visit snorkeling to enjoy the beautiful view of the island\'s underwater kingdom. The sea water on this island is very clean and clear. Even visitors can easily see the view of the underwater kingdom from above the water surface to a depth of 15 meters.

When snorkeling, it is not uncommon for visitors to easily see a group of sea fish swimming on the sidelines of the coral reefs that are soothing to the eyes. The types of fish that are often found here are various, including flag fish, butterfly fish, colored fish, blue botanical fish, sergeant fish, grouper fish, major fish, shellfish, Balinese princess fish and many other types of fish found on the island. this beautiful.

In addition, there are also many types of marine life found on this island, such as starfish, sea lilies, squid and various kinds of colorful coral reefs. The coral reefs found here range from hard coral to soft coral, such as table coral and horn coral

To try out visitors\' familiarity with the fish on Rubiah Island, don't forget to capture them with a camera. There are many snorkeling equipment rentals here and also underwater camera rentals such as Gopro.

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